Barb Makes Things: Shrink Plastic Light-up Edison Bulb

I’ve long been a fan of shrink plastic (aka shrinky dinks), and I’ve done similar projects before, making 3d light up shapes with LEDs (see my instructable tutorial from a year ago), but I’m a fan of vintage and steampunk and I decided it was time for an Edison bulb with a wire cage surrounding it. A set of these would make for a neat decoration, and a friend from CRASH Space handed me an 8mm RGB LED at the last meeting, instructing me to make something like this to hook up to an Arduino. I’ll keep you apprised. 


So check out week 3 of Barb Makes Things, a Shrink Plastic Edison Bulb:


Barb Makes Things: 3D Papercut and Frame

Week 2 on Barb Makes Things: a dimensional papercut and custom frame. I’ve done a lot of papercuts before (including some that have prints available on society6), so I decided to do a small piece with a design I’ve done before.


Watch, enjoy, subscribe, and let me know what I should make next!


Barb Makes Things on YouTube

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As you may know, I do a lot of tutorials, both written and video. Some recent ones include a Concrete “PotHead” (which CRASH Space members intend to turn into an Easter Island-style display out front of the building), Concrete Letterpress Sign, and the latest tutorial for FlipBooKit, about assembling a Moto kit.


And now I’ve started a new YouTube channel called Barb Makes Things, in which I will explore some of my many maker interests with a new video each week. I’ve made a mount for my camera above my desk and am posting high-speed videos of what happens there. Some will have associated instructables, like the first one for the Concrete Letterpress Sign. Plans for upcoming videos include a papercut and frame, assembling my tiled desk top, and wooden rag dolls. If you have anything you’d like to see me make, let me know!


Head on over and subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any.