Barb Makes Things: Arduino Hair Wrap

Finally, an Arduino video and a wearables video, in one! I do both frequently enough. This project is a combination of the hair wraps I did all through my teenage years and the electronics I didn’t dive into until my 30s. I did make an effort in this direction a few years ago with conductive thread, but it just wasn’t reliable. Then I was introduced by a friend at Two Bit Circus to silicone-covered wire. *choir sings* Perfect.


The Arduino board is a nifty new little thing by Qtechknow called the Qduino mini. It has a built-in lipo battery charger, meter, and switch, which makes it ideal for this project as I wanted to mount everything to the hair clip and leave it be. I’d like to expand this project to have more strands, potentially rgb LEDs, and some sensors (light and accelerometer, perhaps), but for now, it works and I like it. See video below.


If you haven’t already, go on over to my YouTube channel, Barb Makes Things, and check out my other videos. This is number eleven!